Using NanoGPT
Click New Chat to begin a new chat or New Image to generate an image.
Our default and recommended model is ChatGPT-4o for chat and Recraft V3 for images. Change model by clicking the model name at the bottom left. Preferences are stored.
By default, everything is stored locally on your device. However, you now have the option to create an account which allows us to securely store your balance on our servers. Your conversations are always stored only on your device, not on our servers.
NanoGPT has very low minimums. You can deposit $1 using a credit card or as little as 0.05 Nano and start chatting, and add funds as needed.
We would want to read some reviews before using our service. Our testimonials page shows reviews from many people with sources linked.
Using NanoGPT requires funds in your account. Add funds by going to your balance and depositing via credit card or using Nano.
To chat with ChatGPT, Claude or other models click New Chat and type in the textbox at the bottom of the page. Our default model is ChatGPT-4o, you can change this at any time.
To generate an image or images, click New Image and type your prompt in the textbox. Our default model is Recraft V3, both the model and resolution can be changed.
ChatGPT, Claude and other AI assistants assist many people with everything from everyday tasks to complex solutions. They have been proven to be incredibly helpful tools in furthering knowledge, teaching new skills, and broadening perspectives.
Not everyone has access to these models. With global median income at ~$250 per month, a $20 per month subscription is expensive. Billions of people are unable or unwilling to pay this much, limiting their ability to use state-of-the-art models.
Many people do not have access to a credit card. Some might live in countries where you don't want anyone to know what questions you are asking ChatGPT.
This service is for those people. Rather than paying upfront, people pay only for what they use. NanoGPT can be used anonymously, by anyone, from anywhere. We accept credit cards but also offer the option to add via crypto for those without credit card access.
ChatGPT, Claude and other models should be available to anyone in the world and we are trying to make that happen.
We strongly value privacy. You are not required to create an account or provide any personal information to use this website.
By default we do not store anything except a cookie containing your account number with your associated balance. Chats you have via this website are stored locally in your browser. When you clear your website data, we can not help you retrieve your conversations or images. We do not store them, we do not keep them as a backup.
When we communicate with model providers we send your prompt and the prompts you've sent previously in that conversation. No conversation is linked to any other conversation, and no identifiable information is sent along with the prompts. From the provider's perspective each conversation is a standalone conversation that is only identifiable by our API key, which is the same for all users and all conversations.
Yes, you can now create an account by clicking sign in on the bottom of the menu. Creating an account allows us to securely store your balance on our servers, providing a seamless experience across devices. However, this is optional, and you can still use NanoGPT without an account with everything stored locally on your device. Conversations are always stored only locally, not on our servers.
Anything you generate is completely yours to do with as you wish. Use, sell, reprint, merchandise, they are your property.
All conversations are stored locally on your device and can be accessed by going to the Conversations tab. Any conversation can be continued at any time.
Click New Chat and a new chat will be opened. Every chat is completely separate, no data or information is shared between chats.
Conversations are automatically saved locally on your device and can be accessed by going to the Conversations tab.
As explained by ChatGPT itself, "a model is a type of AI that's trained to understand, interpret, generate, and respond to human language. It learns from a vast dataset of text and develops an understanding of language patterns, grammar, facts, and even nuances like humor or sarcasm."
Some of the models we offer are open-source, some are closed-source. The famous ones such as ChatGPT (GPT-4o) and Claude 3 are closed-source and are seen as the most advanced models.
Open-source models such as LLama and Hermes are generally cheaper, but seen as less advanced.
Most models have different gradations. GPT-4 is "smarter" than GPT-3, while Claude 3.5 is smarter than Claude 3. Prices reflect this.
Any text that is in the conversation so far gets sent to the model that you are using, every time. When you start a new conversation, this means nothing except your new message gets sent. When you have a conversation where a few messages have gone back and forth, it means the previous messages are also sent to the model.
It does not matter for this whether you keep using the same model or switch halfway through. Switching between models halfway through the chat means model B gets sent your prompt along with the message history in that conversation so far with model A, and uses it all to generate a reply.
Nano offers instant payments at zero fees. It's an enviromentally friendly cryptocurrency focused on scaling payments. It's possible to try Nano for free by downloading a wallet like Nautilus (iOS, Android) and getting some free Nano from a Nanodrop faucet.
This Substack article provides further reading on Nano while the Nano Foundation website offers more content.
We use Nano because it offers instant transactions at zero fees to anyone in the world. It's very easy to develop on, with broad documentation and quick testing since all transactions are feeless and provide immediate feedback.
Nano's vision is to be a digital currency for everyone. We strongly believe in the vision of allowing anyone in the world to transact instantly without fees, without giving away personal details and without requiring anyone's permission.
We also see Nano as a store of value, and would rather hold a hard form of money with a fixed supply than a form of fiat money.
Nano is a growing digital currency and is continuously being adopted by people and merchants around the world. For a list of businesses accepting Nano, see the Nano Hub.